Originally Posted by Rusty
Heard of a guy who had a chocolate bar in his shirt pocket that melted and gave him 1st degree burns on his chest. The guy was in Army in Alaska working some type of radio. This was passed on to me from my cousin who was up there years ago. 
A good HF radio will do that in CW (continuous wave, also known as morse code). I had a shelter that had two radios capable of 1000W, it also served as a MARS radio switch (telephone capability). I figured out the CB freqs and could talk to truck drivers anywhere in the US. The shelter was set up about 1/4 mile from a highway and I fried a dude's CB in CW. He was walking on folks and wouldn't let them on the channel. I warned everyone I was going to transmit in CW and told them to clear the channel for 5 minutes. I keyed up the radio while I was standing in the door of the shelter. I saw a semi scream to a stop on the side of the road and a guy bail out, with smoke rolling out of the cab.

No more problems on that channel...