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Old 11-04-2018, 12:56 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mlsully View Post
It’s an embossed foil sticker. When I replace my 7AT with a 6SP surround, I tried swapping the sticker onto the new surround. Unfortunately it got ruined during the removal process.

I went with the GTR shift knob on mine. I just moved, and waiting on my household goods to get shipped here. I don’t remember if I saved my shift knob after the swap. If I did, you can have it. Send me a PM in about 2 weeks to remind me, if you want it. Just pay for the shipping.

Edit: just looked at that eBay price ����.
I feel better knowing it's just a sticker. I'll have to pick up the black surround and the black shifter.

They also have a black cup holder haha.

Yeah, the prices are a bit nuts, but I can't find a US based seller with these items anywhere....
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