Originally Posted by MicVelo
Yep, I've seen the prices of those wheels on EBay. And while I think a set of forged-anything (esp. Rays) is a good deal at anything under $2k, that's not what the market is reflecting with wheel sets at/below $1k.
Since you already have the wheels, why not just get them PC'd locally? (Or is this a "no spare car/wheels to let it sit for a week" situation? Totally get that....)
But ya, I use a guy here that charges $100-120/whole wheel. Had centers done for around $70 last year so it's not cost prohibitive.... if you can do without your wheels for a week or two. Good luck!
Yeah there’s a local powder coat shop nearby but I don’t have a spare set of wheels to use.
I ended up ordering a set already powder coated. I’ll just sell the non powder coated set. The difference will come out to be not much more than if I were to have had them powder coated myself.
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