Court won't be an issue for him if he decides to contest the citation. The crash report has no bearing on whatever citation he might receive because he would be the only witness against himself. Any evidence that the officer writing the report has to present is considered hearsay and is inadmissible. At present the only evidence barring him not recognizing his 5th amendment rights is the dashcam video and aside from the fact that he posted it on Youtube, I'd venture to guess that his SD card was corrupted and probably won't be available for discovery. (If it were my memory card it would be corrupted by now anyway.) . I'd just go to court plead not guilty. If they officer is asked to give testimony , as soon as it was my turn to cross, I'd ask one question......."Were you there when this happened?" Survey says "No." I make a motion to dismiss, no fine no court fee , just the cost of a crap afternoon in a municipal facility. Then off to deal with insurance. For those who may doubt what I say on this find a friendly legit traffic lawyer and ask him. This is even simpler than avoiding a speeding ticket adjudication or an accident with occupants because in this case the defendant would be the only witness.