Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Good points but.... How do we know that the ecu is coming from BMW though. Reports state they will be very different cars. Whose to say the only things in common will be the block and transmission? I say that because as much as I'm not a fan of Toyota products. They don't build ANYTHING unreliable. I would hope they would want to make a great tuner car.
I hope you’re right, I would assume a ‘yota ecu will be easier to crack than a bmw.
Originally Posted by FPenvy
Agreed. But I will have to say with the power plant being a bmw engine then I would assume it would be a bmw ecu. Wouldn’t make sense otherwise. Also could be wrong just my thought on that.
My thinking exactly.

One ray of hope here is that top gear article said the Toyota folks were really embracing the aftermarket tuners and encouraging them to make parts etc.
My attitude toward this car is evolving. I was pretty meh but after reading that story and seeing the lightly camoed pics, I think this is going to be a good car, but only if it’s not priced over 55k for the top of the line trim. Once you break that mark, only die hard Supra nutswingers would choose this over the alternatives out there. The wild card would be driving dynamics of course. If that is dialed in really well then it could succeed in the market even against “cheaper” powerful options like a Camaro etc