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Old 10-02-2018, 08:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Bay Area Z
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Default Hit & Run - Get a Dash Cam

Hey All,

I wanted to share a story on why you should get a dash cam if you don't have one already.

I'm driving to work and hit traffic on the bridge (Bay Bridge, San Francisco). All cars are stopped. I'm sitting there, idling, when all of a sudden - the Tesla Model X in front of me starts rolling backwards. I was behind them far enough to see their rear tires so there was plenty of space...except the Tesla kept rolling backwards. I honked my horn a few times to get their attention. Nothing. I keep honking and then BAM. The Tesla backs into my front bumper. The impact happened at maybe 2MPH.

There is no side area to pull over so I assume the driver is getting ready to step out of the car. I unbuckle my seat belt to get out of the car and tell the driver where we'll go to exchange info. Except, the Tesla casually pulls forward and continues slowly moving away from me as if nothing happened. Naturally, I'm confused. No indication from the driver or acknowledgement. Their window is up.

We're both in stop and go traffic for a long while. The driver then moves into the left lane which tells me their not intending to get off the next exit (we were both in the far right lane, initially). I call Police on my cell and tell them the situation, they tell me to get off the next exit and police will meet me. I agree.

Eventually, I find an opening and pull up to the right side of them. The passenger window was down so I ask the male passenger to pull over because they hit me. The passenger said it wasn't possible. I insist they pull over so we can talk. The exit comes up and they choose not to get off. Unbelievable.

I get off and wait for CHP. They eventually show up and I tell them what happened. They tell me I have 2 options:

1) I can press charges in a HE SAID, SHE SAID case (the driver was female). Since it's her word against mine, the cop said those cases usually don't pan out.

2) I file a claim with my insurance, give them her licence plate and have them deal with it. But the damage was so minor, it wouldn't be worth it ($500 deductible) and my premiums could change even if it's not my fault. Most of the damage seems to have been absorbed by my front license plate.

In the end, I decided to chalk this up as a lesson learned. NEVER drive without a dash cam. The cop said if I had video, it would have been an easy win case and she would have been charged with a misdemeanor for a Hit & Run because the cop has the evidence. I have their license plate and can pay the DMV to get their info, but short of sending them a letter lecturing them about integrity, it won't accomplish much.

I attached an image of the Tesla. The parts I circled in the photos is where the damage is. Her car is fine, it's all black plastic down there which wouldn't have helped my case. On mine, you'll see the license plate is bent and scuffs on the bumper, hairline indentation that I may eventually get fixed. It's hard to see which is why I'm not rushing. It's a battle scar to remind me.

Anyway, protect yourselves.
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