Originally Posted by jchammond
Off to bed  long day!
Yeah, really.
Work, come home and install a dogie door for the puppy. That took 4 hours.

And it was for a sliding glass door. It was suppose to pop into place. Had to make pieces to make it work right.
Then spend 3 hours removing the dent in the gas tank on my motorcycle. Couple years ago. I dropped my helmet and it hit the tank. Leaving a nice dent.

Seen a couple video's on youtube on removing dents with a puller. So I went to Harbor Freight and bought their dent puller for $16.00.

The kit has a hot glue gun, 3 glue sticks, glue release, 2 different pullers, and a bridge. It's a slow process. Prep tank, put glue on the end of the puller, put on dent, leave to cool, install bridge, twist knob to pull dent up. It took me about 2 dozen times of doing this to get most of the dent out. You have to look hard to see what's left of the dent.

I'll spend more time with it this winter.