Originally Posted by jwick
Just another fear campaign to take advantage of the uneducated
Shut up and pay your carbon tax fool!
Do your own research. Weather changes everyday. Climate changes with the sun. If the sun loses 5 watts of power. The earth would be a snowball.
We are in a solar minimum. There has been no sun spots for the last 130 days or so. We are predicated to go into a grand solar minimum for the next 3 or 4 solar cycles. Very few sun spots. When the sun has few sun spots. It is cool. When it has a lot of sun spots. It's hot. Beware of temperature charts that only go back to the 1970's or so. The 70's was a cool period. That's where most of of these people start with. Look at the charts that go back a couple hundred years. You will see that it was hotter during the 1930's with the Dust Bowl era.
I'm not a climate denier. The climate does change. It follows the sun.