The wifey and me went for a nice drive today in the Z.

We took the back roads to Ohio Pyle State Park up in the Laurel Highlands.

The weather was great.

Low 80's, with some clouds. The Park was packed!!!

Had to drive around for 20 minute before I found a parking spot.
On the way home. Just outside of Uniontown. Came up behind a nice white BMW Z4.

Could lip read what he was says in his rear view mirror. "WTF is that behind us?" Seen his wife turn her head and look between the headrests.

"I have no clue, but it looks fast as chit!" He pulled over the the right lane for me to pass. Went from 6th to 3rd. Eased down on the gas just enough to pass him. As we passed. Him and his wife gave us a

Once passed him. We had a black VW, full of kids roll up behind us. I slowed up a bit. They came around us and was pacing us. Looked over at them. Seen a bunch of

, and cell phones talking video. The kid riding shotgun put his hand up to his ear and motion for me to get on it. I couldn't do it right then. They pulled ahead of me by about 10 car lengths. I look over to the wifey and grinned. She just went

Went from 6th to 3rd and nailed it. Passed the VW in 3rd at about 8,200 rpms. Once passed, shifted into 4th and started to slow down. They passed us again with a bunch of

out of the widows.
All most home. As we was slowing down for a red light. We passed a car the had a little boy in the front seat. He was pointing and yelling to his mom about the Z. His face was planted to the window. As the light turned green. I let them get a head of me. Then I slowly rolled on the gas. I got the rpms up to about 7,000 when we was next to them. The kid was going berserk at this point. I shifted into 2nd and left them.
So.......I had a pretty good day.
Now it's time the cut the grass.