Originally Posted by Rusty

They operate at a higher temp than a street tire. On the street, they're not up to operating temp. The only way to get them to temp is to run the them hard. They're even worse in the wet. Street tire will tell you when they're about to let go. R Comps will hang and hang in there, then boom, they're gone. With little warning.
Agreed, jdtodd an I did not run with you guys that morning at ZDAYZ because it was raining. We went out later and I was still wet Josh was like you lead you are on the r888 and I am on r71. We had fun and I resisted the urge to go full throttle until I had heat in my my tires and I wouldn't break traction. So even with hot tires 70% was it at best. Plenty fast enough for the both of us with full suspension and aero.
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