Shifter in backwards....??
Hey guys, so weird question, and admittedly a lazy one...
I recently dropped my trans to replace my wonderful CSC... long story short, while removing the shifter I ruined the stock knob. Thanks to the370z I was able to source an almost perfect one for a reasonable price. However, when I screw it on, the thread bottoms out to where the shifter is facing backwards.... Is it possible that I installed the shifter backwards?
So, hopefully the forum can be so kind, the shifter when it bolts to the trans is like a fork with a bolt going through it, so essentially if I remove the bolt from the bottom of the shifter could I spin it and in turn spin the whole shifter so the knob would then face front when bottomed out? OR does the whole shifter have to come out? I can't recall the specifics of how the shifter is placed in there...hopefully someone can help.
Admittedly I know Im being lazy for not just attempting it myself and asking here first... please forgive me