Originally Posted by Asus_
couldnt of been him since it was the most recent meet we had n he wasnt there  i would personally go with cmak but thats me! 1900 is.... quite allot..the shop that did mine charged me 300-500 for labour and they replaced everything.. not to mention the HD CSC will be an easier install compared to cmak, not that cmak was hard..
From the zspeed website
325/ HD CSC
+35/ Insulated Short Stainless Clutch Hose
+98/ New OEM Master Cylinder
= 458 USD = 602 Canadian (roughly)
+300-500 labour at my shop = $1,1100 Canadian.
wow.... 1100 vs 1900....
that's a huge difference.... and 1900 is with the HD CSC.
can you I might ask around with my own mechanic and see how much he will charge me too.
reason why I talk with WH is because of their reputation.
but if the price difference is like 800 bucks...
i will have to look around too...