i understand and see everyone's view on this.. thats what i love about posts like this, everyone is right.
i really do admire the OP in the decision he made to get his son a jeep, good grades, athlete, heading off to college. i think what u did is show him how much u appreciate his hard work. this helps him understand that if u work hard rewards always follow.
i also do agree with the others talking about not giving but maybe helping, when i was in high school in 10th grade my dad bought me my first car, a 98 civic ex coupe, it cost him 3000, at the time i was very happy but i felt guilty because we werent in the best financial situation. it also made me feel bad because i had friends and cousins of mine who deserved the car more than me, and didnt have a car. i got alright grades but nothing to get me to college. so as soon as i got the car i looked for a job, and i saved 3000 and paid my parents back, they didnt ask me to do it, i did it without telling them and surprised them with a deposit for 3000 straight into their account. it was awesome
i think my parents are the best parents in the world because they are mine.

but because they raised me to be selfless and responsible. now i work and make a pretty good amount of money to give them WHENEVER they need it, without paying me back.
anyways OP what u did was beautiful, and i hope to be as loving and caring for my son as u were with urs.