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Old 08-07-2018, 12:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Zeetah is on a distinguished road
Default Need help asap, speeding ticket ! TORONTO area

First ticket is 130 km/h in a 100 zone which was reduced already, opp. Was going around 140 apparently.

Got another ticket literally 5 mins later, on my own stupidity, cop was dealing with another car and was walking towards his own vehicle and waiving his light and I was not able to switch into the middle lane because it wasnt safe and there were cars behind me so I slowed down and he kept waiving his flashlight meaning move over a lane (wasnt safe to do so) so I was still flustered from the first ticket and nervous, not thinking, I pulled over thinking that's what his waiving meant and only after I pulled over I realized he was telling me to go, but gave me a $490 ticket. 4 points

The speeding was $220, 3 points

Can anyone refer a good paralegal they've used before. Or should I go in myself plead guilty and get it reduced?

The only way the insurance wont hear about it is if it gets dropped. But the 2nd ticket 5 mins later is what's killing me, I was nervous and wasnt thinking and he was a jerk.

Speeding was on 404 just south of Steeles, other one was dvp near eglinton exit
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