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Old 08-03-2018, 10:56 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gbhrps View Post

You state that you haven't raised the top on your Z for several years. I would suggest that you may wish to raise that top several times a year, and then keep it up for the winter storage period.

Several years ago in early fall I parked my 54 MG TF Roadster with its top down in storage for a week. When I went to get it out for exercise at the week's end, and put the top up ...... I discovered that a mouse had decided to make a nest in the top. I had a series of nickel sized holes all in a row where the top Stayfast material had folded on top of itself in four sections. An entire new top material was the fix.

Everyone has had a car where when they start the AC for the first hot day and it doesn't work. AC seals are lubricated by the refrigerant that contains a special oil. The lack of AC use will allow the seals to dry out and leak the refrigerant out. Turning the AC on once a month for 10 minutes keeps those seals from drying out and remaining pliable.

I would expect that the seals throughout a Z's top system would react the same way, and that putting the top up and down 4 or 5 times a year would go a long way to ensuring the hydraulic system stays leak free.

My two cents worth, if its of any value to you.


I was thinking along the same lines.
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