Originally Posted by Rusty
How old?
2, few more months to 3.
Originally Posted by madwi
Meh, if she wants the professional to take the pics, she can hire one. You do a hell of a good job on your own though. I wouldnt hesitate to have you take pics of an event for me. Just remember to take the lens cap off. 
She asked if I wanted him to and I said no. I paid for the deposit for them to have it at this chapel vs a JP office. I mean it's a refundable deposit but still, it's $400 they didn't have. It was supposed to be just immediate family at the JP office but she might be leaving out of state and I know she'll regret not having it somewhere nice.
Originally Posted by jchammond
Ask to borrow his Lens!
Nah, I think my 3 can cover it pretty well. I'm just one of those people that has the feeling of being judged all the time. It gives me anxiety.