Originally Posted by madwi
My grandma is 97 and yells stranger! stranger! when I visit.  she remembers only a couple people. My grandpa is 102 and sharp as a tack still. Hard to get around and about blind but mentally all there.
That's impressive! My grandma still lives alone, shops and cooks for herself, is fully active, and is still able to drive, as well or poorly as she ever has. She's tiny, probably no more than 4'10 now that she's shrunk with age, so her feet barely touch the gas pedal in most vehicles. As a result, she sits with her elbows resting on the steering wheel and turns the car whichever direction she looks. That's not a product of age. She's been scaring the crap out of me with that for decades, swerving from lane to lane, wherever her neck takes her.
The rest of my grandparents have been dead for a while now. It's a shame because after my grandpa passed away, I finally became seriously interested in WWII and amassed a pretty big collection of books on the subject. I'd love to ask him about his experience. He was a radio operator and machine gunner in the pacific theater. Alas, that opportunity is forever lost.