Seeing if anyone out there can help me and willing to send a little something for the person that can help my identify this issue.
Car is a 2013 G37. For years now, I've had this noise coming from the front tires that increase with the speed of the tires. It sounds exactly like there's a large sticker stuck to the tire that increase with the rotation of the tires. Here are some other facts:
- The sound is there whether I am going straight or turning, and increases with the speed of the car. Doesn't change whether I have the clutch in or out.
- Had someone take apart the brakes and inspect everything and didn't find anything unusual.
- The sound isn't super loud, but is audible when I'm in a quiet parking garage or driving next to a wall.
- The really strange thing is that the noise goes away and comes back everytime the car goes on a lift. So for example, I would hear the noise before I drop the car off to a garage for servicing. When I get it back, the noise is gone. The next time I take it for servicing, and I get the car back, the damn noise comes right back! The car goes on a lift each time.
- I've had cars with wheel bearings go out before, and this doesn't sound like wheel bearings where there is a constant sound. Like I mentioned above, the noise sounds like you have a large sticker stuck to the bottom of the front tires or someone shaking a salt shaker faster and faster as the wheel speed increases.
Anyone heard of anything like this before? These symptoms are stumping me. The only other thing I can think of is to replace the hub assembly, but I kind of want to avoid replacing something that isn't even causing the problem.