Originally Posted by Rusty
Toe in inches is the old way. The way I was taught doing alignments many years ago. Also toe in inches is affected by size diameter. Where in degrees is off of vehicle center line. Tire diameter won't affect it.
So 1/16" toe in with a 27" tire is .1326288 deg total toe. Or .0663144 deg for one wheel.
For the rear toe. A lot of the track rats here run close to zero toe on the rear. Helps the car rotate.
255 front, 325 rear, and no understeer? You really haven't pushed all that hard. 
Thanks for explaining the inches measurement, interesting substitute.
I guess understeer is subjective. Sure if I go 100 mph into a round about I'll get understeer but for the purposes of the OP, which are spirited street/twisties driving I do not have any.
Give me a legitimate scenario to test and I'll do so. As mentioned above, such a test won't be 100 mph into a round about as the most track savy Z on this forum will even understeer in such a circumstance.