Done on oldschool heads with siamiesed inlets.
I ran a 1964 EH Holden in Historic Touring cars 15-20 year ago and this was a 3-litre striaght 6 with a 9-port head. The inlets were siamesed so you have 3 inlet openings feeding 6 cylinders and 6 individual exhaust ports ... and the inlets were knifed edged to get flow separation into each of the inlet valves.
All ports on the same side of the head and the ports went
1 exhaust
1 and 2 inlet
2 exhaust
2 and 3 inlet
3 exhaust
etc etc
Very old-skool !!
Only useful knowledge for old f4rts
That said, VQ engines are 4-valve and knife edging the port separator on the inlets could conceivably give benefit to an all-motor/NA build ....
Last edited by BGTV8; 07-18-2018 at 04:59 AM.
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