Originally Posted by bunk
Military joke. Miltiary maps are broken down into grids. When a new Private joins the unit, we send them off in search of said grid squares. Usually, when they ask around, they keep getting sent off to other people who also know the joke, so the PVT spends all day in search of the non existent grid squares.
Theres also other variants. Enlisted Ranks are classified with an E (Enlisted) and a number E1 though E9. So well tell the pvt to go to the motorpool SGT (usually the rank of E7). Tell the pvt to ask the motorpool sgt for a PrcE7 (pronounced prick e7). We used to use PRC77 (or whatever number model) which were real radios, so PrcE7 sounds reasonable right? So imagine the furry when a private tells the motorpool sgt that hes looking for a PRICK E7..lol
That reminds me of what we did to a not real bright Marine SSGT (E6){besides the fact that Marines are known crayon eaters}. We sent said SSGT hunting for a ST-1 (stone/rock). After several stops at our unit (Marine Air Control Squadron 2), he got sent to H&MS (Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron) and then to MAG (Marine Air Group) headquarters...
There he ran into the Group Sgt Major.
where he got his azz chewed for falling for something so juvenile....
We caught hell at the club that night for that stunt... but man, it was hilarious.....