Originally Posted by Rusty
When we was building the power plant. I went around and welded 2 dozen 1/2" diameter x 2" long pipe nipples on some of the big beams in the turbine building. Then I installed a valve in each pipe nipple, with a 90deg elbow on the end. With each new outside operator. We would tell them that they had to check the moisture content in each beam. They had to open the valve and drain out the water and measure how much water was at each beam. We even had a spread sheet for it. What they didn't know. The senior operator on the shift before would go around and turn the 90deg elbow up. Open the valve and fill up the pipe nipple. Once full. Close the valve and turn the elbow back down. Some took weeks to catch on. The operations manager knew about it, and never said anything about it. It was a way for us to tell who would make it and who wouldn't. 
One of the best was telling new guys they need to take an exhaust sample. They'd go to whatever vehicle and hold a plastic trash bag and fill it with exhaust..lol.. even funnier when that vehicle was an M1 tank... no exhaust pipe, but a big grill. They'd swipe at the air behind the tank trying to capture exhaust