Originally Posted by JLarson
There are few things more rewarding than that. Children know what cool cars really are 
I was at Costco filling up the Roadster minding my own business. Then I hear a kids voice, it gets louder and louder til hes almost screaming (couldnt really understand what he was saying - er, wasnt really paying attention to what he was saying). I turned and theres this big SUV with the windows rolled down. The mom sitting in the drivers seat kindly says "My son says he loves your car!". A 10 year old kid in the back seat with a big grin on his face flashing two thumbs up.
Another time I was pulling out of the parking lot of a 7-11 near Disney Land. A big group of what must have been 5th graders were walking across the parking lot on their way to Disney Land. I had the top down, and one of the kids as he was passing by said "Sweet car man!".
I swear, its either little kids, old ladies, or dudes. Hot chicks never seem to appreciate nice cars.. lol