Originally Posted by shadow85
Nah I its definitly a strong smell!
And I think there is a fuel leak, I can smell fuel from the rear to the hood. And the mini pressure gauge is reading 42psi on idle but the vaccum is still also connected so I don't think tha is the true reading.
But when I switch the car off the pressure drops immediatly to 0 when I think it is still suppose to hold for a short while?
Disconnect the vacuum line to the regulator and set the pressure to ~52psi with the vacuum line disconnected. Then reconnect the vacuum line and you should be good as far as fuel pressure goes. The car doesn't need as much fuel at idle and as stated earlier, and the linear changed in fuel pressure per change in manifold pressure allows the net fuel pressure to stay the same throughout the power band. I.e. 1psi of boost = 53psi fuel pressue => net fuel pressure is till 52psi
42psi is low. Also, you 100% have a fuel leak. Pressure should remain in the system long after you turn the car off. Like many hours.