Originally Posted by shadow85
Nah I its definitly a strong smell!
And I think there is a fuel leak, I can smell fuel from the rear to the hood. And the mini pressure gauge is reading 42psi on idle but the vaccum is still also connected so I don't think tha is the true reading.
But when I switch the car off the pressure drops immediatly to 0 when I think it is still suppose to hold for a short while?
I have the same setup as you but only S1.E, walbro 485, 1150cc injectors, E85. I also have fuel reference set to 42 psi, you should get 1 more psi of fuel per psi of boost. Can check by revving and watching your pressure under the hood if you don't have a gauge in the car. When I shut the car down my pressure stays around 40psi for a few minutes and then around 20 minutes later it will hit 30psi, I have not watched it long enough to see if it goes back to 0psi.
With the immidate 0 PSI on shutdown I would say you have an issue with your regulator, return line on regulator hooked up wrong, or maybe something in the fuel basket but I don't think that could be it..