Finally a moment or two to catch up on things
May 22nd to May 24th, I attended Mid-Ohio Drivers School.
The reason I chose Mid-Ohio, for the aloowed me to drive my car. This was big since I want to find out how my car handled.
So I will try to do a day at time
Day 1
Class room, on what the course was going to cover.
1) autocross. to a base time, car school car Automatic, School cars are Acrua ILX, with mods to brakes / suspesion / cooper tires. Base Time for end of the day
2) Skid cars, what fun, learning how to control a skid. (School car)
3) braking exercise (own car), was neat, instructor, helped you figure out braking, a bit of trail braking to get the car turn around the corner.
4) Autocross again (own car), this was fun, could have done it a very long time.
5) first adventure on the course, well it was an adventure, it was raining, and the way the Z is setup was no fun in the rain, for it does not have any give
Best comment of the day, your car sounds great...
Day 1 ended...
Day 2 will begin track time
Lots of Changes
the Z needs to be driven and driven hard for the car lives for it