Originally Posted by *J*ap***V*et*
Lol!! In all honesty when I first saw the thread I thought you might've gotten your hands on a 350! How are you liking the miata sir? I hear they are an absolute blast to drive!
That same Porsche-brother, who givez me crap about fetching this Z, kept nagging me to go get a Miata. I ignored him until I realized he was serious. I finally asked him why would a Porsche snob

be so gun ho about a 155HP roadster?
He didn't say it loud, and he kind of looked both ways, but then said "because it haunts me when I'm tracking or autox-ing that those guys always seem like they're having more fun than us"
Well to answer your question, the dang thing is an outright riot to flog. And that gearbox, at least the ND (current generation) is the slickest shifting box I've ever felt.
Don't know how well it'll hold up considering the fun bullseye has you hustling it! But I'll find out.
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