Originally Posted by VileKnight
Hey Big! Been reading your posts for a couple of months before my account got approved. Love the massive treasure trove of knowledge you have provided to the forums.
I'm not looking to eliminate road noise, but I do want to try and get maximum reduction of future bass rattle once I put one or two 10's in the back. I place a premium on SQ, so anything that helps that is what I am interested in.
Edit - Looking at the second skin stuff, and that might be the way to go it seems. About double the price, but if it works as well as it seems to that would be worth the investment.
Thank you Knight!, Always enjoy sharing knowledge.
So I can see maybe needing probably 20 sq ft with a few sheets left over. This should do your doors and your trunk lid and your trunk depending on how crazy you go on the doors. Make sure to roll up some of the rubber from a sheet and apply some around the clip openings for your panels to help with vibration as well.