Originally Posted by Khanxyz0z
The link has the photo of the codes.
So after this i bought 2 mass air flow sensors from someone on ebay from a crashed Z.
i deleted the check engine and it came back after 150 miles.
do i need to reset the ECU entirely?
Ok so now you actually have codes to work off of. P0171 and p0174 so both banks are lean not just one. So things that are shared would be something to start looking at. What is fuel pressure and volumn values? Any vacuum leaks? PVC check valves. You have basically eliminated the MAFs (it's unlikely you got two more bad MAFs). So look for reasons why the car would be lean (unmetered air or can't deliver fuel demands) that would effect both banks, exhaust leaks before cats could be a cause but again the odds of having two is less common than something both banks share same for AF sensors. Now you actually need diagnostics.