Originally Posted by Rusty

What I want to say is political. Can't say what I'm thinking on the subject.  Let's just say, someone took the blue pill and drank the kool-aide.
I feel you brother... That's why I kept my comment as basic as possible but... within the comment, like minded people understand. And I feel what you can't say.
Originally Posted by Waiz
I was really impressed with the whole lineup, especially the Fiesta
I can’t believe they are making such a knee-jerk reaction to their cars not selling well. This is exactly what got Ford and Chevy and Dodge in their previous financial woes
Yeah but this time.... We have major players like BMW and Porsche, falling into the pansywagen, making mangina mobiles that don't rev or grunt. So Ford can happily do these things while in their safe space, and get in touch with their feminine side of automobile production. Yes, Ford's blue oval is a blue pill.