I thought you had done this already?
You can do this in your garage over the weekend. My garage is over the bedroom. So what. When you start this project. Make sure you run the tank down close to empty as you can. Remove all the plastic panels in the rear, and remove both seats. Makes working in the area much easier.

Once you open up the gas tank. Any fuel you have left in there. You can use a hand pump from Harbor Freight to get rid of it. A small camera comes in handy. Once you got both sides of the tank opened up. You can one handed reach into the tank with the camera and take a few pictures of the inside. This will help you with what the inside of the tank looks like. When buttoning everything back up. The blue o-rings on top of the tank. Wipe them off when you get to that point of removing the tank tops. This will help to keep them from expanding too much. Seems like they like to expand sometimes, and people have a time to get them into place again. And when you start to install the tank tops. Smear some grease on the blue o-rings when you are installing the tops. The grease will let the o-rings slide into place and help seal.
Time wise. Depends on your skill set, beer breaks. 6 to 12 hrs.
Here's my install thread. There are others thread too.
phunk's road race fuel pump install