Originally Posted by theDreamer
Ah, I saw a few teaser shots of the Z and was interested but not 100% sold. Went to the Houston Auto Show and I was 80% ready to buy that day, test drive was what made me buy it.
You should do what I did not do, finish paying off the car and then save up as much as you can. My previous car was paid for and I have money for a down payment, but if I waited to buy a 2010 I probably would have just paid cash in the end. Though I really have enjoyed my Z this past year. 
Ya i figure with the depreciation of my speed3 in a year or so I can sell it to carmax or private party for between 10k and 14k and with a few months with no car payment and being able to just save that up I will have a pretty decent down payment on the car. Financing 10k or so will be a breeze lol.
I will be done paying off the car in December of this year and my birthday is in June so... I might be getting myself a present for my birthday in 2011...lol.