Originally Posted by *J*ap***V*et*
That's brand loyalty. An enthusiast just loves vehicles regardless
I don't even know what your reading, I said an enthusiast loves vehicles regardless as well, just worded differently
Originally Posted by Asus_
When you find that right car for you, while you still appreciate other cars of course but the rest wont matter and you'll always remain loyal to the car that makes you want to drop all your money on 
Basically, shouldn't matter what brand new flashy tech comes out, you'll always still love the car you love. I made NO mention of being loyal to a brand nor did i imply it, i said loyal to the CAR & you can still appreciate other cars too. If anything I personally don't like Nissan as a "brand" for neglecting the z for as long as they did, they make great cars like the 370Z and the GTR but that's it.
Originally Posted by *J*ap***V*et*
I love mine but if they don't intend on making a newer one eventually I wouldn't rule out other manufacturers to get what I want out of the car...but that's me.
Originally Posted by *J*ap***V*et*
probably run it's course and they're won't be another one. So as car enthusiasts what do we do..
Nothing dude . . . nothing changes. As a true enthusiasts you'll still love the car that you've come appreciate and enjoy. So what Nissan chooses to do afterwords or what other car comes out ... shouldn't matter to you. If you like another car you can buy it too but nothing changes to the car that you've come to love. This is assuming you bought the car because you actually like the car not because it was the fastest for the money at the time lmfao.