Originally Posted by Spoiler
So my 18 yr old grandaughter is going to the prom with her boyfriend the end of next week. She sends me a text today that says “I know this really a long shot, but I thought I would ask. All of my friends will be driving really cool cars to the prom so I was wondering if I could borrow your Z for that one night”.
When I read the text I thought about how long of a shot that really was... 
Years ago. I let my nephew take my '78 Trans Am to the prom. Told him he had to wash and wax it. Clean the inside. I filled the tank up. Then told him he had to return the car the next morning the same shape as he received it. It cost him one stereo system (blew it out), one rim, and tire (ran over something), 6 hrs cleaning the puke out of the inside, and one rug (cigarette burns).

My brother said that I have one shot at him. I about broke his jaw with the first swing. I took 3 swings at him. And hit him 3 times.

That boy has a healthy respect for me now.