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Old 04-22-2018, 08:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
40 to 332
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Default Wheel Lug Nuts ... Something Just Occurred to Me

Recently purchased a set of aftermarket wheels and acorn/tapered type lug nuts. Sold my stock sport wheels and lug nuts to another member. It has just now occurred to me that if I have a flat tire, the acorn/tapered style lug nuts will not fit the spare wheel/tire ... so I'd be up s**t creek without a paddle. So went to the dealership and bought a set of the stock wheel lugs (5) and wrapped them up and taped them to the inside of the spare. Just thought I'd mention this since I suspect it applies to others with aftermarket wheels. Also, I carry a 1/2" drive strong bar and 19 mm socket in the car in case I need to remove the wheels. Since the stock lug nuts are 21 mm, I also threw a spare 21 mm socket in with the stock lug nuts to make things easier if I ever need to install the spare.
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