Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
I agree
Ecutek tune to very light pedal.I know everyone makes fun of Sprint booster(just opens throttle more with less pedal travel to start; the end result is the same.Yes you could just mash pedal harder to get same result.).I put mine on after Ecuteck tune.I have no lag.Before tune and Sprint booster the lag was very noticeable.The way I have set would be too touchy for a lot of people.I do not think Nissan is not doing much more than this.
Well they aren’t working exactly the same. With drive by wire it isn’t uncommon for the manufacturer to not have a linear curve but the two extremes are still accurate (0 app=0 tps and 100 app=100tps) its the middle areas that aren’t = to each other. The sprint boost fixes this I believe by boosting the app signal but this comes at the cost of the throttle going to 100% before the pedal is actually at max. With ecutek the tuner can do the same thing if you request but I believe it’s more common to make the throttle truly linear and just fix the middle zone. You can read about it in the ecutek tuning guide if your more interested.