So when i did the oil galley gaskets, it seems the timing was off on the primary chain (did not remove secondary chains) during assembly. A few symptoms:Car would not start, studdered and immediately died. I did a compression test and only got 100psi per cylinder, this indicated both banks were out of sequence due to improper intake/exhaust timing on compression stroke.
So i disassembled the car again, to check timing. this is what i got.
Car is set to TDC Compression stroke (cams face up on both banks)

Bank 1 and 2 secondary chains time out (compression stroke)

Bank 1 uses punched marks on outside facing sprockets,

Bank 2 uses the oval marks on outside facing sprockets,
It may be hard to tell from the picture but either bank 1 or bank 2 is off a tooth, in person you can tell the cams are not facing up and out at the same degree for each bank. indication a bank is off a tooth.
This leads me to my question, if both cams are timed out on compression stroke, and cylinder one is at TDC. i should be fine to remove the primary chain (which is not timed/ or aligned with the colored links on both banks & crank). i can realign them to the designated marks on both banks and crank to ensure proper timing since the secondary chains are timed out already? Does that make sense? I don't really want to have to take this apart for the third time, i hoping i can learn from my mistakes and others can too.
this is straight out of the FSM:
Install timing chains (secondary) and camshaft sprockets.
Figure shows bank 1 (rear view).
A : Camshaft sprocket (INT) back face
B : Orange link
C : Dowel groove
D : Matching mark (oval)
E : Matching mark (2 oval: on front face)
F : Matching mark (circle)
G : Camshaft sprocket (EXH) back face
H : Matching mark (2 circle: on front face)
I : Timing chain (secondary)
• Align the matching marks on timing chain (secondary) (orange link) with the ones on intake and exhaust camshaft sprockets (punched), and install them.
• Matching marks for camshaft sprockets (INT) are on the back side of camshaft sprockets (secondary).
• There are two types of matching marks, the circle and oval types. They should be used for the bank 1 and bank 2, respectively.
Bank 1 : Use circle type
Bank 2 : Use oval type
• Shape (orientation of signal plate) of camshaft sprocket (INT) varies depending on the bank position. See the right figure to install.