Where did you and how much was your 34 row cooler
If I get a v7 I cant use topz a2a kit. Means either I sell it to someone or, not lol.
Also, It isnt within my budget yet to get a v7

As much as I want to, unless the trade in value is not a lot and within like 1500 usd + the blower itself, i wont get a v7. or i can sell the a2a kit get 1500 back and trade in blower still be willing to spend 1500 that was gna go toward 928, that is also a possibility.
Does vortech do trade ins...? I only have about 6k miles on the SC lmao
I think they dont take v3 SCi superchargers that I can find...it only takes v1s it looks like and v2s?
Maybe Im tripping lol, I may call them and ask.
Also, you said the 928 upgrade is theoretically better than a v7 ysi? no way haha I would think the v7 ysi is better than the v3 sci 928 premium upgrade no? or am i tripping again lol