Because its either I get the 928 or the cjm s1 se first. one or the other xD and i prefer the 928 first only because it takes 2 week turnaround time plus the labor of removing headunit from bracket from engine bay then shipping it out lol
He also was aware of me having the 928 upgrade which is what I put in the PM and he still said it would be fine to run 100% stock fuel system (that being the stillen modified kit fuel sysfem), with 1050x IDs.
Im sure if it wasnt good he would recommend me get the S1-SE system.
I was surprised he said what he said as well , dont get me wrong! Considering the amount of boost I will be getting after 928...
But he knows what hes talking about Im sure way better than I can research lol. So I trust him.
I will still upgrade it when I upgrade to e85
Last edited by cupcakez; 04-02-2018 at 08:01 PM.