Originally Posted by Rusty
The Z is limited to 155 with the ECU and by aero drag. To eliminate the 155 ECU limit. You have to use Uprev or Etec. Mine is reset to 199 mph. Will it see it? I don't think so. Unless it's dropped out of a plane. With the ECU limit removed. You will be lucky to see 145 mph stock.
i hit the limiter (156) while stock......on the drive home from buying it

(in mexico of course)
Originally Posted by Rusty
In Pa. Anything over 26 mph over the speed limit gets you 6 points. That's a written test the first time. The 2nd time for 6 points. It's a hearing $$$$$. 31 mph, spread your butt cheeks. The state is going to stick it to you depending on how many points you have already.
or you get a nice cop lol statey popped me on the turnpike at 99 in a 55 but just wanted to talk about my car for 15 min then told me to get home quick the pens game was on in 40 min