Some random wheel fitment sites Iv found over the last couple years, figured I would share them since they've been useful. Maybe they will be helpful for someone else. They are more for "visual" people, showing how certain specs look on a car. The sticky posts above are really good to get all a ton of info but it never hurts to have more. I also wanted to post this so I could reference it at any point
-Shows how different brands of tires fit over different widths of wheels. NOT just stretch tires, dont be fooled by the sites name.
-Random database of cars and their specs. put in make and model, then wheel diameter, dont go too specific. - Search
-Same with this site, just fill in the make and model of the car
-photoshoot pics of 370zs, wheel size, offset, and tire size typically stated. Sometimes tires.( about 40 cars)