Originally Posted by FPenvy
i agree. i didnt expect this to last more than an hour.
however from what i've seen lately the forum population is down a little. regardless at this price it'll move soon.
like i said i'm at the crossroads of being 100% aside from maintenance or its boost time.
my only thought on boost is i'm gonna need another $5k down the road to upgrade the tranny if i turn up the boost. i have the 7 speed in my Z which i love but we all know it's not strong at all when stock lol
Yeah this is the unfortunate most frustrating part about the FI game being NA. Knowing you have to commit 5k more than the 6MT guys just to even be in the same ball park for power. Even worse is I’m not hearing good things around Facebook about the level 10 transmissions. So your options at that point are Fast Intentions or RJM whenever they finish theirs up.