Thread: oil level??
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Old 02-28-2018, 11:02 AM   #1 (permalink)
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omgwtfreally is on a distinguished road
Default oil level??

OK so I feel dumb To bring this up About 5000 miles later I checked my oil maybe a few minutes warm, it was like low like REALLY low, I was shocked and freaked out I also was coming up on my first oil change so when I went to Nissan Asked them to see if I was possibly burning oil or my rings are messed up Anyways after they changed my oil they said it didn't look like it was burning oil, So I didn't really worry about it I get you're supposed to check your oil when it's a little bit warmed up But when it is dead cold wouldn't it be more accurate Because all the oil in the internals is all settled in the oil Pan?

Anyways I checked it this morning While cold And it shows like super low on the dipstick

I want to logically understand this If there's no oil in your internals Then it's all in your oil Pan So if you put your dip stick in Wouldn't it show an accurate level?

Anyways after driving to work 30 minutes dong about 100

I checked it again about 10 minutes later of sitting off

Now it shows high, I read all these debates whether you're supposed to do it when it's hot or its cold
And honestly I just wanna Just logically understand it And know whether or not I'm good on oil And not be freaking out and put a court in when I don't need to......

Thanks and sorry for sounding like an idiot

btw 7,800 miles

Last edited by omgwtfreally; 02-28-2018 at 11:07 AM.
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