Alright, I know it's a serious thread revival, but just like JAR I found this while searching for something else and was laughing out loud at some of the stories. I haven't had anything go wrong with the Z yet (crossing my fingers that I'm not jinxing myself) but have had two idiot moments while working on our SUV.
The first was neglecting to change out one of the O-rings while changing the oil, and about 3k miles after I changed it the ring dried out, shredded, and dumped 90% of the oil in our driveway overnight. That was a fun one.
The second was forgetting to restore the line pressure after replacing the brake pads... so about 3 months after the oil debacle, when I had finally reassured my wife that she could trust me to do the vehicle maintenance in place of going to the dealership, she got to witness me frantically yanking the E brake after my foot went to the floor while backing the SUV down our slightly inclined driveway.