Not meaning same day, but if you're out with an exhaust over the legal decibel limit and your car is letting off a raw fuel burn smell, it's kind of a no brainer you're asking for trouble. And it is state police I would be more worried about. They will take the time to investigate if suspected.
What I was saying was that if I get my car inspected, pictures are taken, car is passed, I bring it back home and within a week I put test pipes on it, IF I get pulled over for anything and is questioned, I can't exactly say the garage passed it that way can I? That's all.
Only other reason is to cut down on inspection fraud. We all know a guy who knows a guy that can pass it, right?
2017 Ford Focus RS Nitrous Blue "KB43VER"
2014 370z Mag Blk 6M "KOKURYU" (Black Dragon)
Last edited by NISMO IX; 02-25-2018 at 01:01 AM.