Keep everything, parts, fenders, bumpers, wheels, skirts, etc. My future grandson will restore it. But will need the future's version of youtube to learn how to drive it since they will all be flying at that point.
>MyZ's Album< NISMO Convert/ECUTEK/Takeda CAI/F.I. HFC NR CB Carbon/F.I. 34 Row Oil Cooler/4.08 Final Drive /Powertrix+Swifts/Hotchkis/SPL/Whiteline/TWM/Zoom Engineering/EVO-R/AeroJacket Vented CF Fenders + CF Spoiler/Avant Garde-WORK/NST/Morimoto Halo/STi Clear Lenses/Carbon Signal Automotive/RJM Performance/ZSpeed Clutch Flywheel CSC delete
Last edited by axmea?; 02-21-2018 at 01:17 AM.