Originally Posted by Zoren 370
Meet my asian GF.
Wish I was single.
Geez you've got better selection than the ones I've got. Based on my cousin's current complicated situation, he also told me to enjoy the single life the best I can. I'm sure you guys stay single because you are happy with your life the way it is right now - independent and drama free. If anything, no strings attached.
On a side note, Zoren 370z, where in FL are you? I've got friends in Tampa, and I might try a little harder to find software/electrical engineering positions and get the out of Kansas.
So here's my experience with local girls in Kansas (one exception):
- Girl who always brings this guy along when we meet up. They don't claim each other, but it's obvious. Heck, I ended up paying the bill several times. She contacted when she was in town and planned to meet up for breakfast. Last minute she asked if she could invite the same guy. I declined and we never spoke since.
- Known her over 5 years - moved from VN. Taken her out several times even on Valentines. I would pay for everything, drive, cook, clean, etc. When I try to get close she's shove me hard. When I hosted my birthday party she demanded I serve only Vietnamese food, and that I pick her up because my house was too far. I and my friends ignored her, so she never made it. We rarely talk, but she always calls me up when she needed something: computer help, resume, job, and even boredom. Says she wants to be a manager, but has no skill or experience. Wants a guy who makes more money than she does so she doesn't have to work so hard. Very entitled. The most recent call was when she asked about job openings since it has been 2 years since internship and still no job. With no regard to my time she was imperative I help her with interview skills. I declined. She said "sorry for making you think I only need you when I call you." She called the kettle black.

- Met a girl at my cousin's wedding in TX. Super outgoing, fun to talk to, and we nerd out about cars. We didn't talk much afterward. Finally told me she just got out of a relationship and wasn't interested in anything.
Well 2 weeks later she was with her new guy, got pregnant, found out he was talking to 4 other girls, drama, gave birth, put up with abuse, he left, and is now a single momma.
- Met a girl at another wedding. I've known her and her sister for years. Oh, her sister. We've hung out a couple of times. All I do is pay for dinner, and it doesn't get much further than that. This one... same deal, but she's upfront about money stuff since she's always going to Vegas. Says if I want to attract women then I should get the VIP table and invite them over. I told her I'm no chump. That didn't end well.
- This one previously only talked to me when she needed help with something. A couple of times at a local concert with friends she called me up to escort her in from the parking lot and save her a seat. First time, out of curiosity, I escorted her in. Then a group of girls carried her away and I never heard from her. Second time I ignored her and she got mad. Later sat next to me and people started assuming we were an item. I ignored her enough she finally left. Months later I finally decided to take her out. We had a good time at dinner. She said she never had a bf (at 27). Well we never talk much after that. Found out coming out of high school she had an affair with a married man, and she's still hung up on him till this day.
- Met a girl 1.5 years ago, who is a server of a restaurant with pretty servers if you get my drift. I didn't think much of it. Last month she told me she broke up with her bf. I decided to take the risk and ask her out. We went to eat a couple of times, but she would bring her friend/coworker along. They just stare at the bill and I end up paying for it. So I didn't talk to any of them for a few weeks until she contacted me again. From that point we ended up talking more often and got closer (more flirting, body contact, etc.). I even got stuff for her like food and cough drops. She went as far as saying "love you" several times. So I planned post-Valentines dinner last week. That day she asked me to come see her, but bring red bull. Almost 2 hours before dinner she text me asking if she can bring her friend along since they've not hung out in a long time. I declined. Frustrated, I confront them both. I told her I tried to make this a special night. She said it was still special with her joining us. That didn't end well. She bailed because I made her feel pressured because she just got out of a relationship. That was the end of it.
Trust me. I know where all of this this is going, but I wanted to see how far in the short amount of time they would take it. It's pretty pathetic that this is what they do to guys who pour their hearts out (string them along), but are bitter about their exes treating them like dirt. Plus, I notice many of these girls enjoy being treated like a girlfriend, but without the relationship part. After observing my recent experiences, I can finally not give a crap, not do much, say "no" more often, and be assertive about splitting the check.