Originally Posted by elmz
Thanks for the pic AK that helps alot. My oil is much darker than that, here is a pic I took from an iphone.

Originally Posted by spearfish25
Looks like your oil was changed, buddy. I think they may have left some residual old oil that has it a tad darker than truly fresh oil. No need to keep worrying. That stuff looks fine.
Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy
Dude.....that last picture of your oil, I can see through that oil. That is NOT dark by any means. Dark means black and opague. That's red and semi-transparent. That looks like your oil was changed but they may have left the old oil filter on.

with both spear and Zkindaguy. Your oil has been changed. If it wasn't , it'll be significantly darker. I think we can put this one to rest.
Enjoy driving the Z.