Originally Posted by ZontheRocks
Unique case, indeed.
Heat must have affected the plastics and soft rubber seals.
I've bounced this idea around as well ~ quite a bit actually. It did get hot in the cabin, but not "too" hot. Examining everything, I just plain do not see "anything" out of whack in the hatch area ... seals are like new, plastics like new, exterior trim & panels like new.
I just can't make any logic out of this alignment issue being related .. unless it affected the latch itself, but even it works perfectly.
I can push the gate down, & the alignment corrects - but the latch is not holding it there. Another clue is that before I adjusted the latch, I'd have to hit the fob button twice to open the hatch ... first hit released it, but it wouldn't pop up past the latch. I checked the little spring-bumpers on each side - like new.