Originally Posted by Leingod
Labelers aren't communicating properly, I have 8 whole IP addresses left with no way of adding more because I don't have control over my own infrastructure, dumb users complaining things won't print yet they're printing to a different floor, renovating my switch infrastructure, pissing everyone off for implementing web proxy's, IP conflicts out the ***, rf guns randomly dropping connections, rf guns randomly resettings, all desktops slow after corporate forced me to image them, and small stupid issues that should be fixed with common sense on the users end but never happens...
Sounds like a busy day (week? month? lifetime?) On my side, I've got a 62 year old inspector who can't use a PC even after multiple trainings, tutorials, and one on one sessions, and he's pissed off because I gave him a hyperlinked list of files he uses, instead of giving him individual shortcuts on his desktop. His hands shake like a palsy victim having a seizure and he's constantly half-moving icons because he can't keep from shaking during double clicking an icon. Hyperlinks seemed safest. I will be relieved when he retires.